Jamie Bullock wrote:
On Sun, 2008-08-24 at 09:54 -0400, Enrique Erne wrote:
Hi Jamie
It's not much but might be helpful to port other stuff to purepd.
you'll find gt~.pd (>~) lt~.pd (<~) sgn~.pd
That's great actually, and I'd love to contribute back into this. However, if I'm not mistaked aren't there two purepd projects netpd/purepd and Hans's purepd in pd svn? Would it be worth feeding your patches into Hans's, and then any other abstractions I make/find I can also feed into svn?
Sorry if this has already come up...
feel free to use the abstractions. if i can help with purepd i will certainly do. maybe we could include the filter abstractions that came up a while ago on the pd-list?