On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Miller Puckette wrote:
I got this working once but I have another problem, which is that I don;t have a good way of sizing and positioning the Gem window to cover all of the display. Should be easy, but it didn't just work instantly when I tried it.
since resizing the gem window doesnt acutally seem to change the size of the area being rendered (even after stopping/starting rendering), you are going to have to know the screen size in your patch and set it in the window. but as for getting the window in the right place: most windowmanagers will let you setup default display properties for certain windows (determined by title, or other features). with sawfish it's all done in the gui (gnome control centre thing) in the "matched windows" section. you would just tell it that you want the gem window (conveniently always titled gem) to be maximised, and rendered as borderless. then tadah, you are rendering to the entire display.
you will probably want to verse yourself with the control keeys for navigating your windowmanager, so that you can kill the window, or push it to the back. and get back to normality.