Here is a txt with the tracing I did using the doc patch - a contrabass tone. The 0-amplitude tracks appear when there is more silence, in this case after the 2nd half of the sample. I produced this file by sending a "write" to pd-trace-list, with load you can load it into the same patch.
Best, Joao
Am So., 12. Apr. 2020 um 04:07 Uhr schrieb Miller Puckette
It's possible to have nothing in a track - in that case, the flag (the 4th item in the list sigmund~ outputs) should be -1.
If that flag is saying there's a sinusoid of amplitude zero, something's wrong with sigmund~.
cheers Miller
On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 11:29:35PM +0200, Jo??o Pais wrote:
Hello list,
I'm trying out [sigmund~], and wanted to confirm something related to results I'm getting. When using the patch doc/ (and also a derivate patch of
I get lots of tracks with 0 amplitude as result of the analysis. The settings are [sigmund~ -t -npts 1024 -npeak 40 -maxfreq 8000 peaks tracks] in the help file, and [sigmund~ -t -npts 2048 -npeak 200 tracks]
my patch.
When comparing the result of the analysis with a spectrogram of the
the frequency content does match - the tracks with 0 amplitude don't
in the sample, i.e. they're silence.
My doubt is, is it normal to have tracks with 0 amplitude? Or is there something wrong with the analysis settings? (if these tracks are a derivative of [sigmund~], that's fine, I can
and delete them afterwards)
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