On 01.04.19 09:20, Scott R. Looney wrote:
hey folks i'm trying to get the IEM waveguide library examples to load and having a bit of trouble. i'm on a Mac and i've installed the various dependencies (iemlib,zexy,iemmatrix) via Deken, but it seems like the initializing fails as objects like [lp1~] and [hp1~] aren't recognized. so i think the [declare] objects might need tweaking. what i found a bit confusing is there was no iemlib1 or iemlib2, just iemlib when i installed it via Deken. the iemlib init in the WG Demos is [declare -stdpath iemlib], so if Deken installed iemlib to stdpath it seems the demo doesn't work.
iemlib recently switched from the separate iemlib1/iemlib2/iem_t3/... libraries to a single "iemlib" binary.
probably acre still tries to load the old (no longer existing) libraries.
so: just fix the declare's to [declare -path iemlib -lib iemlib]
(or, if you want to play safe and support older iemlibs, use something like: [declare -path iemlib -lib iemlib -lib iemlib1 -lib iemlib2]
i also checked iemlib library separately and it seems it is having issues as well and can't find things like [init] for example. i checked the search path (Users/scottlooney/Documents/PD/Externals is the only entry) and that window is set to use standard paths. guess this means that Deken doesn't solve path problems? should i be adding other paths?
no: deken is not a replacement for properly declaring dependencies in your path. you need to also specify the path: [declare -path iemlib -lib iemlib]
in general, you should *not* add a library to your global search-paths (and deken should not do so either), but us *local* paths (via [declare])
gfmasdr IOhannes