I think you should all read this: https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API
and this: http://weblog.bocoup.com/web-audio-all-aboard
I believe it only works in Firefox 4 at the moment.
If i wanted to use Pd to generate sound for a web application, i'd have to keep an instance of Pd running on the server continuously, right? And keep all the patches i need open? Which means that if any patch crashes Pd there'll be no sounds anymore?
2011/3/29 Andy Farnell padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk
Sometimes you guys make me want to shout with happiness. Dont stop the rock.
On Tue, 29 Mar 2011 09:45:26 -0400 Andrew Turley aturley@acm.org wrote:
A few people (myself included) have built web UIs that control PD patches that run on a server. The technique I've used involves an http server that acts as a gateway, transforming http requests into OSC messages which are then sent to PD patches. My blog has some info about some of my experiments: http://www.pillowsopher.com/blog/
I've also been looking at wrapping libpd (http://gitorious.org/pdlib/pages/Libpd) in a web server (maybe writing a node.js binding?) and using that to generate audio based on data from a web browser.
On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 8:07 AM, Pierre Massat pimassat@gmail.com
Hi all,
I've been toying with some new HTML tags (canvas and audio), in a an
to build a web app that would work as a simple sequencer. Although
canvas is
great, i'm not fully satisfied with the audio tag. I was wondering, is
a way i could use Pd as a sound engine in a web application? Can it run
on a
server? Sorry if this is a silly question... There was a discussion a few months back about a project calld WebPd. Anybody knows if it's been developped any further?
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-- Andy Farnell padawan12@obiwannabe.co.uk
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