Hi Chris,
just as a note: I've got it working in one direction (from phone to computer), but only with a metro object scheduling events. When I touch a bang object on the mobile to send a single message, this message arrives *many* times on the remote computer and pddroidparty crashes. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy and it might be an issue of the touch display. It's difficult to debug the behaviour on the phone as there is no pd window, but I thought, I'd let you know anyways.
-- Orm
Am Friday, den 02. March 2012 um 13:50:14 Uhr (+0800) schrieb Chris McCormick:
Hi Orm,
On 02/29/2012 07:41 PM, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
Does anybody know about this issue or has anybody successfully established netconnections between pddroidparty and another computer and could give some advice?
I would love to have this working for [netro] and I think I might have a fix. I will try to find some time to push out a new release soon with the possible fix for testing.