This sounds awesome, is there any way to get it included in pd-extended?
From: Scott McCoid <> Date: Tue, 17 May 2011 08:16:59 -0400 To: Rich E <> Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: [PD] [PD-announce] completion-plugin new version
Hi Rich,
Can you explain how you got this working on OS X? I've downloaded tcl 8.5, but I'm a little unclear on what you did.
Thanks, Scott
On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:11 AM, Rich E <> wrote: Ah I got it working from Miller's git repo, its nice! I'm sure it will make programming in pd much faster once I'm used to it.
Still, does anyone know how to update to tcl 8.5 when using a precompiled binary version of pd?
Cheers, Rich
On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Rich E <> wrote: I'd love to try this out but I'm using Pd-Vanilla, and so tcl 8.4. Whats the easiest way to get pd on OS X to look at my copy of tcl 8.5? I installed it in /usr/local/bin via ActiveTcl... I was hoping not to have to compile for source but oh well.
cheers, Rich
On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:19 AM, João Pais <> wrote: that's great. don't know if you want to, but I would suggest to copy another useful max feature: when you click on a send or receive object (the same for their audio versions), a pop-up comes up listing how many other objects exist using the same variable, and by clicking in any of these objects it takes you to the patch where they are.
I rewrote autocompletion-plugin which is now called 'completion-plugin'.
there are some cool new features:
there is a video demo there:
you can grab the code there:
I could test it on linux and osx only.
OSX note: there are some focus problems with tcl8.5 (x11), but not with tcl8.5 built with aqua support.
as usual, bug reports are welcome ;)
cheers, _y
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