On 23/02/14 08:16, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
On 02/21/2014 10:04 PM, Simon Wise wrote:
On 22/02/14 06:28, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
On 02/21/2014 06:41 AM, Simon Wise wrote:
Something to really make pd parallel would involve treating fan-outs as opportunities for the interpreter to launch each branch in a new thread, implementing the inherent parallelism in the dataflow paradigm (e.g. in the pd definition of fan-outs as being executed in undefined order). Here the trigger object is used to force sequential execution where required, just as it is now.
Practically speaking, it's completely different for control than for signal domain. For signal domain fanouts there's an understanding that Pd gets stuff done when it needs to get done. In the control domain, there's even a philosophy of _never_ having fanouts at all. I don't know what the effect would be of trying to auto-parallellize a signal diagram, but I'm pretty sure trying to auto-parallellize a control diagram wouldn't make much of a dent.
I was referring to parallelising using control fanouts only, but didn't make that clear. 'No fanouts, always use triggers' is a very sensible policy to avoid easily overlooked bugs when, as in pd, fanouts are just an implied trigger with an undefined order.
Even the dsp<->gui problem would be addressed by a proper dataflow implementation if it was done well. Keeping all the gui stuff in branches which don't have ~ objects should result in these branches being separate threads, and well implemented these would not be allowed to block ~ branches.
To know whether a control branch interacts with the signal domain is to solve the halting problem, no?
especially not if you allow a little syntactical help from the programmer .. as you note here. And note the point of this is that generally the interaction with the dsp does not have to be in zero logical time after it is initiated, although often discrete sequences of interactions must be applied together in a single dsp timeslice.
But also consider we are already making several simplifying assumptions and arbitrary (sometimes confusing) decisions as we turn the graph drawn as the pd patch into trees in the dsp and the message domains so that we can traverse them separately. If we allow fan-outs as parallel branches we change one of those arbitrary decisions. Instead of assigning an arbitrary order and re-writing the fan-out as a trigger we create new independent trees which we execute via a scheduler that runs in a similar way to any very basic OS scheduler ... when data is received for that tree it is put on a queue and executed the next time one of the cpu threads that pd has running is free. The usual priority queue stuff could be implemented regarding dsp interaction, scheduling on a basic level is very mundane stuff ... optimisations of all sorts at this point have been very well studied and can get as complex as you want. Note that we already break cycles in the graph, so we can indeed take each branch as a separate tree. There are obviously interesting complications and decisions regarding cold inlets, however the point of this is that by using a fan out the programmer is indicating that the branches may be run in parallel so cold inlets with data coming from outside should simply be updated whenever that data arrives ... use a trigger to ensure it is all part of the same tree if that is not good.
But you could have some kind of "seal" object that verifies the user thinks a subpatch or canvas is 100% pure control domain. And then Pd could take that to mean throw it in its own thread (and throw warnings/errors if it finds a message going to a signal object, or fudging with dsp in any way).
It could look like a wax seal and always be at the top-left of the patch.
that's somewhat like the notion in functional languages of 'pure' functions compared to ones with side effects, in this context the dsp could be considered as a side effect, in the same way any output from a functional program is ultimately a side effect.
Each functional language deals with this differently, and they are useful in different contexts. Unless you get into seriously strange constructs like monads for output and remain a strictly pure language (lambda calculus is turing-complete after all) there is some syntactical way (like your wax seal) to flag non-pure objects. In pd the ~ naming convention already does this, and could be enforced by the interpreter.
In pd the dsp and message passing domains are dealt with quite separately, and if we wanted to treat the message passing domain as a parallelisable dataflow graph with its effect on the dsp as one of its outputs (a side effect in functional languages jargon) then there is a wealth of research and implementations in the functional area to look into as a comparison.
A very crucial point here is that separating gui from dsp so that gui calculations do not block dsp means allowing the gui parts notion of 'zero logical time' to be distinct from the dsp parts notion of that. Essentially we want the result of some gui calculation to be applied a dsp block or so later rather than miss the deadline for calculating the next dsp block.
Currently this is most easily achieved explicitly by running a completely different pd process for each part. In our sequential tree traversal implementation we make sure that there are two message domain trees being traversed, and that the one controlling dsp shares a system thread with the (main) dsp and does as little as possible that is not strictly required for the dsp output. The other tree can run a bit late, we do not care if its messages to the dsp thread are received in the same dsp block as one the calculation started in.
If we interpret the pd patch as a dataflow graph allowing parallel execution of fanouts then we create several trees and schedule them in a dataflow manner, executing them in a collection of system threads maintained by our scheduler for that purpose. The notion of zero logical time is then on a per tree basis, and the interaction with the dsp thread(s) resulting from that tree must be applied in one atomic interaction when it completes.