(responding again in thread)
It is most likely a bug, maybe introduced in the MIDI overhaul I did for 0.48. Does the same issue occur in 0.47?
Can make a *re-produceable* patch and/or project for testing and open an issue on the pure-data Github repo? The simplest thing for me would be the syses messages you're sending as bytes.
You could also check the output of the midi tester patch I added:
Browser -> Pure Data/7.stuff/tools/miditester.pd
Not too long ago I wrote here reporting an issue with receiving SysEx messages. When Pd receives a big quantity of SysEx, the MIDI IN port 'gets stuck' and then you need to go to 'Media->MIDI settings...' and re-select the port, otherwise no MIDI messages will be received anymore. Here's a video that shows the issue: https://vimeo.com/316526250 it's a private video, the pass is: sysexissue Does anybody know what could cause this behavior and if it's possible to 'fix it'? The first time I reported it, it was when I stumbled on this using my personal Linux machine and Miller Puckette suggested to change the MIDI buffer in the source code, but unfortunately also setting that to something insane like 2^20, the issue was still there. Now I double checked on MacOS Sierra and Windows 10 and it is the same.
Cheers, Mario