On 5/11/06, carmen ix@replic.net wrote:
both versions have meed performing very poorly the older version perform just as bad the whole machine stutters (Finder as well as PD) It appears as the machine is freezing up like the pipes are blocked.
these are all known issues. Mac OS X is 2-5 times slower than linux for IPC, syscalls, thread process and socket creation, and additionaly has extremely course locking for IO and network operations which causes stuttering and poor performance all around..
for more reading on this, see: http://www.drunkenblog.com/drunkenblog-archives/000385.html http://anandtech.com/mac/showdoc.aspx?i=2520
None of those issues are particularly relevant to Pd though. Anand's site is particularly well stocked with idiots and those articles prove it.
A real possible issue is the pthread hack that needs to be addressed and/or removed entirely from the Pd code. That will for sure cause bad behavior on OSX, especially when running GEM at high CPU load on a single processor machine.
There are answers and then there is empty rhetoric. Take you pick.