Hi folks, I need help on an external. I wanna perform a task on an array of signal inputs. It's a multichannel object, and I define the number of channels with an argument.
Here's just the core of it, as an object named "mtx~", where I map the input to the output. And this is what happens.
[image: Imagem inline 1]
So you see I get a weird mirrored output, instead of something like "1 2 3 4 5 6".
The perform method in the code is just
static t_int *mtx_perform(t_int *w){
t_mtx *x = (t_mtx *)(w[1]);
int nblock = (int)(w[2]);
t_float **in_vectors = x->x_in_vectors;
t_float **out_vectors = x->x_out_vectors;
t_int i;
for(i = 0; i < x->x_ch; i++){
t_float *in = in_vectors[i];
t_float *out = out_vectors[i];
t_int n = nblock;
*out++ = *in++;
return (w + 3);
What am I doing wrong? How should this go? See attached the help test example and code.