I've successfully used an EeePC with pd and supercollider (and both at
the same time) with no problem.
On 31 Mar 2008, at 16:15, Ben Lau wrote:
Hi Alberto,
I own an Eee PC with puredata installed. The graphical chip is not bad. However, I am quite new to puredata, just tested with few examples with very simple effect. If you can suggest testing source , I could help to test and report the result.
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 4:40 PM, alberto.zin@poste.it alberto.zin@poste.it wrote:
Hi all,
has anyone tried the two ultraportable laptop from ASUS and Everex with PD ?
http://eeepc.asus.com/global/product.htm -> Eeepc http://www.everex.com/ -> CloudBook
They are both Linux-equipped and configurable. Since they are offered in a nice price range (300-400$) I was wandering what are the capabilities regarding audio and, why not, graphics.
Alberto Zin
http://puredata.org/Members/AlbertoZ http://alberto.zin.googlepages.com/
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