Damien, the complete list, generated automagically, is in the attachment
HENRY Damien wrote: ...
You can find one exemple about this in a documentation @ : http://iem.kug.ac.at/pdwiki/ called PdInternalMessage
messages to pd: init [gimme] filename [symbol] [symbol] open [symbol] [symbol] quit foo [gimme] dsp [gimme] meters [float] key [gimme] audiostatus finderror ping
messages to canvas: obj [gimme] msg [gimme] floatatom [gimme] symbolatom [gimme] text [gimme] graph [gimme] array scalar [gimme] bng [gimme] toggle [gimme] vslider [gimme] hslider [gimme] radio [gimme] vumeter [gimme] mycnv [gimme] connect [float] [float] [float] [float] restore [gimme] write [symbol] [defsymbol] read [symbol] [defsymbol] mergefile [symbol] [defsymbol] sort click [float] [float] [float] [float] mouseup [float] [float] [float] key [gimme] motion [float] [float] [float] print [symbol] menusave menusaveas menuclose [deffloat] saveto [symbol] [symbol] cut copy paste duplicate selectall tidy texteditor editmode [deffloat] protectmode [deffloat] print [symbol] pop [deffloat] loadbang relocate [symbol] [symbol] menufont font [float] [float] [float] find [gimme] findagain findparent vis [float] properties [float] [float] help [float] [float] arraydialog [symbol] [float] [float] [float] map [float] clear intatom [gimme] atom [gimme]