On Fri, 2015-03-13 at 04:51 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
I'm aware that CPU can choke on an absurdly fast control rate. Nonetheless, the concern and question is not to how much the CPU can take, but how small a period of time Pd could consistently and steadily send messages. To make it simple, the smallest time an object like [metro] is able to operate.
In practice, it seems that the smallest time interval measurable by [timer] is dependent on how long you have Pd running. Attached is a patch that sends two bangs with an interval of 6.8e-11 every second. It seems that the first 1217 seconds you get a non-zero result from [timer] (though the result changes during the first few seconds). After 1218 seconds of running Pd, [timer] measures 0.
To give your question again a different answer, it seems that there is no absolute minimum time interval in Pd, but it increases over time of running Pd.
p.s.: Make sure to open the patch right away like this: pd -open shortest_time_intervall.pd if you intend to get consistent results with the numbers above.