Hi everybody,
I have 3 questions about using the [pd~] object in an efficient way. I'm trying to spread some heavy sample voices over multiple processor cores.
How can I read from common sample tables (or other parameter tables as well) without having to load all sample (1 GB of samples) multiple times? In the back of my head I think I heard about a "share memory" library but couldn't find anything so far.
How can I assign a specific [pd~] process to a certain core? Or does Pd automatically assign a new [pd~] process to another core? It would obviously not improve anything if both patches were running on the same cpu core .
Is there a way that the [pd~] subprocess can receive the [send] objects directly from the main process without having to resend each individual send/receive object to the inlet of the sub process and without having to build a receive object and then resend it by prepending a header that can resend everything within the sub process?
I'm having a fairly large amount (185) of sends/receive objects and tables (way more than 10,000 tables!). Anything that might cut down the work and makes it more efficient to run would be great!
Thanks a lot! Ingo