On Apr 4, 2005, at 10:50 AM, vade wrote:
Thanks for the feedback, I will look into GLdefine object, and any GEMGl_ objects (which I understand should all be GEM prepended to any normal openGL calls (ie the object name)?)
Do you guys (or anyone) have any simple example patches using the gemgl_*/gemdefine objects? Where do they fit in the em chain, etc?
...usually you just send a message to gldefine, kinda like this:
[GL_LINE_LOOP< | [GLdefine]
...and then connect that GLdefine to whatever inlet can use a GL_LINE_LOOP...This stuff shouldn't be hard to fool with if you have a copy of the "red book" around...
Just curious so I can get started.
...try examples/09.OpenGL/01.primQuad.pd...it's the only gl wrapper example atm, but you could also look at the shapeSynth abstractions, which I'll add to the cvs abstractions before the end of the day...