AFAIK if you're doing an additive synthesis thing you need as many osc~'s as partials. Which brings me to the following question for Miller:
Would it be difficult/possible to implement something similar to the Spawn function found in SuperCollider? Not that I want PD to head in SC direction but it certainly is a useful function.
Otherwise you can read tables filled with, say, waveforms into tabosc~ (am I right?) and this way you can have one osc read a complex waveform. But I have a feeling that this is not what you want to do.....
On 8/9/01 8:16 AM, "Rory Walsh" wrote:
Can once single osc~ be given several patials of a sound or do i have to use several ocsillators? I have looked at the partial object but it does not help as my partials are constanly changing through number boxes? Any ideas?
regards, Rory.
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