I've seen this once before and don't know what's causing it... anyone else having trouble getting preferences to stay around in Windows?
thanks Miller
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 02:50:07PM +0200, rolfm@dds.nl wrote:
Derek Kwan schreef op 19-05-2016 10:25:
forgot to mention: that doesn't help either; same errors
Hello, Rolf,
I've gotten around to toying around with Gem lately and here's what worked for me:
1.) In Edit > Preferences > Path, I've made sure to include not just the folder the Gem folder is in, but the Gem folder itself.
I have all my externals in: ~/pd-externals so that's included but also I've included this path as well: ~/pd-externals/Gem
2.) Under Edit > Preferences > Startup, I've included Gem as a library to load on startup.
Hope this helps!
- i'm on Windows 10
Gem is in either %appdata%/Pd or pd/extra
very strange: Vanilla does not keep my preferences setting after closing!??
'apply' doesn't have any effect either.
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