Hans-Christoph Steiner said at "RE: [PD] mousestate."r[2003/04/24 04:54]
Could I ask about your ff joystick setup? I am using a Saitek Cyborg 3D Force with linux 2.4.21-pre2-ff and I can't get the force feedback working. Plus linux HID reports it has 41 axes and 16 buttons (it has 6 axes and 9 buttons).
I am assuming you are using the ff-patch from Johann Deneux: http:// user.it.uu.se/~johannd/projects/ff/,
I am using the same stick. You have to use the iforce kernel module, not the HID module. This also reports the correct number of axes and buttons The HID only supports ff for a few logitech ff devices I think. Which means putting your stick on the USB-HID blacklist if you use hotplugging, somewhere in your /etc directory. Or modprobing manually: input,iforce and evdev
It should include my patch to support te Saitek stick. If not I can mail it to you.
Interesting how each kernel version reports a different number of axes (I am using 2.4.19)
Hope this helps