for that it works to draw first the black, then the white keys, then
vis 0,vis 1. It's not logical, but it seems to work.also works for me. and it helps for filtering the right key events (see
my solution).Seems like a magic for me... Anyway I adopt Christof mixed with João
solutions at this patch.But arises some questions...
Once I need:
- change color of key while mouse click is on at these key
that's easy on its own, get the pointer from the output of [struct] when
you click on it. use it to change the color with [set ...... color].
- once mouse click is on, and mouse cursor move around the gop area,
the keyboard will respond. Like a finger pressing and moving around a
real keyboard.
- the key are velocity sensitive around y axis at first click.
I'm thinking to map the gop are, create a system of coordinates to draw
keyboard and using [cyclone/mousestate] and/or only
[iemguts/>receivecanvas].In this way maybe is better implement the João suggestion of
parameterize the template and implement the keys with more points and
implement >the control with a gop coordinate system.
you can't click and drag on data-s, so your other idea is better (and get
the pointers to make the display look accordingly).
Once I did a sampler what I had an horizontal line of marks indicating
places in a sample; also using [mousestate] to get the mouse actions
(position in window + clicks) I could extrapolate where I was in the
window, and what should sound.