On Oct 29, 2005, at 4:24 PM, carmen wrote:
On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 04:04:20PM -0400, day 5 wrote:
Oh man isn't that some truth!! I learned Max and bought a $60 nine month student license and at the end I was *NOT* convinced it was
worth the $$$ those greedy guys are after.hrmm. if i really wanted to use a graphical dataflow patcher
environment right this minute/second/day, id proably consider buying
max. ive certainly spent $495 of my time trying to make PD acceptable,
and would proably need a lot more to get it there. i mean the basics
like "click a icon, and it just works" for one... not to mention all
the usability improvements, video and openGL stuff in the patcher,
wrap-to-plugins etc..
Well, the Pd.app is now easier to install than Max on Mac OS X. Just
drag-n-drop and double-click. Now that Jamie got a statically linked
PDP working, that works too. It is possible to get it working very
nicely, it just takes some work. Just look how far we have come. For
an demo of this, check out pure-data.org from Dec. 2001:
but a lot of things that are a limitation in one are a limitation in
the other, i mean why do you see so many cases of hacking in languages
(javascript in max, everying-but-javascript in pd) instead of
extending/flexibilitating the core so that you dont think "damnit, i
need ruby for this..."
I totally agree! Pd can be a programming platform, it does not need to
be just an application. All great programming platforms are written in
themselves: C, Java, Lisp, SmallTalk, etc. so why not Pd too? It needs
some work to accomplish this, but it is within reach.
Pure Data 0wns MAXMSP !1!111!!1! Why 0wns ? Because MSP is involved with Pd not his namesake!!
On Oct 29, 2005, at 1:02 PM, Josh Steiner wrote:
you might get a more balenced answere on a max mailing list, since most of us here chose not to buy max ;)
Matthew Williams wrote:
Ok i'm curious .... why would someone spend 400 dollars on max when you can get pd for free. Is it because of the ability to make plugin's using pluggo. But can't you make plug-ins from pd as well. I was going to buy max but i came across pd and thought, "this is great..max for free." Am i wrong. And yes i read about the differences .. but they don't justify 400 dollars.
wondering, matt
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Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -David Zicarelli