On Nov 25, 2005, at 7:28 PM, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, dafydd hughes hat gesagt: // dafydd hughes wrote:
I wish I could read Spanish, too. What really helped for me was Frank's tut. It's a fantastic explanation:
http://puredata.info/community/projects/convention04/lectures/tk- barknecht/
Also, Frank's "pipeseq" data structure sequencer was a good resource for me - not sure where that's found, but I'm sure it'll show up in an archive search.
That one is here: http://royalrabbit.goto10.org/svn/goto10/pd-patches/fbar/pipeseq/
Any chance of getting these into CVS? Then they can be part of the
Pd-extended builds.
Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. -David Zicarelli