Le 2012-01-04 à 20:01:00, Björn Eriksson a écrit :
Here in Sweden I know that Steinberg has rather hefty rebates of up to 50% for students and academic institutions,
Max+MSP+Jitter used to be somewhat close to 1000 $, perhaps 800 $, I don't recall. I think I recall that the academic discount was well over 50 %. But many people would remember a lot more than I do, because I never used MAX.
What I see on their website now, though, is that Max+MSP+Jitter now sells for 400 $, and academic price is 250 $, a rebate of 37,5 %.
but they don´t state any exclusive conditions for the academic institutions.
It's very much probable that certain deals happen that are not stated on the website... I mean, it's very probable for any company. But that doesn't mean that those deals are exclusive. I don't know how often there are exclusive deals.
OTOH, there might be rabid fans just like Apple has people who feel sophisticated for waiting in line at -20⁰C for hours just to get the last iCantHelpIt 3000, and they don't get rebates for doing it, not even a black turtleneck. With the frequency with which we see Apple computers in movies and on tv in the last 15 years or more, it's also hard to imagine that all that product placement was really paid for.
Now imagine what can happen to intense fans of certain products when they get into positions of power, such as professorships and other forms of teaching that involve large fees, high reputations and a grading system in which the leader has lots of margin of manoeuvre to determine who win and who don't, without much departemental supervision.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC