Strange, works for me on Mac OS X 10.4.8/PowerPC/G4. Any other Mac/ Intel users?
On Jan 14, 2007, at 3:04 PM, dafydd hughes wrote:
Hey Hans-Christoph
Just installed test 7 on a MacBook Core 2
Are delwrite~/delread~/vd~ broken? I can't get any sound from them... Maybe I'm missing something specific to the new computer.
cheers dafydd
On 1/6/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Ok, this should be approaching release readiness, let's stress test! This is the last test release before release candidates, so report bugs now!
* Gem should be installed and working on all platforms * the MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper) externals are included * included Thomas Grill's Mac/Intel fixes for iemlib and cyclone * Universal binaries for flext externals * working 10.3 build
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