Thanks Carmen, and everyone else who replied so quickly to this.
I like the idea of a using a unix pipe a lot - nice and simple. Just to confirm, did you mean something like:
mknod pgpipe p cat pgpipe | psql -d dbname
Then in PD just collect the commands in a textfile buffer and send them in one go at the end?
Just tried this with dummy data and it works. If I understand PD source code correctly, textfile dynamically allocates RAM for itself as new text is added. I can't see any upper limit on this, but I know how much RAM I've got, and roughly how many chars I need to write, so I should be OK, right?
On Mon, 2005-11-07 at 19:47 +0000, carmen wrote:
On Mon, Nov 07, 2005 at 07:30:28PM +0000, Jamie Bullock wrote:
Dear list,
I need to insert around 5 sets of 40 values, per second from PD into a postgresql database (both on the same machine). I can see two options - pyext + pygresql or sqlsingle.
From a brief glance at both it looks like the Python route would be
better because sqlsingle introduces a lot of overhead
and so does python. why not just open up a pipe (once per session) to the daemon and stream the commands over plaintext. ive not used postgres but mysql has something similar, you just terminate the message with a ";" same as pd..
opening and closing the connection, and vacuuming the db between writes.
However, perhaps sqlsingle could handle the task on a modern machine (Centrino 1.6GHz)? This would probably save me some time getting the Python stuff working? Does anyone have any advice either way before I start with this?
if youre generating a lot of symbols from the patch, to use as text for queries, youre going to incur ram leakage, due to the fact that PD has no 'string' type, just a never-deallocated symbol table..
depending on how simple your database needs are, maybe you can use Pool or PDContainer instead...although theyre certainly a bit less flexible in terms of select-statement-esque things they can do the basics like retrieve via ID, next/prev, all, 'namespaces' etc..
-- Regards,
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