Quoth IOhannes zmölnig, on 26/05/2013 16:16:
try instead: "-v" (for verbose) "-v -v" (for more verbosity)
The pd -v, or -v -v options don't work, it justs prints out the valid options, ie:
usage: pd [-flags] [file]...
audio configuration flags: -r <n> -- specify sample rate -audioindev ...
"-nogui" (see whether Pd can start without the gui) "-nosound" (does the sound-card give you trouble?) "-noprefs" (stupid preference file?)
As mentioned previously, pd runs fine with -nogui. I made a patch on another machine, then opened it on the RPi. The patch sends a message via netsend to pdreceive (both on the pi) and it works fine when run as -nogui. None of the audio options make any difference (-noaudio, -nosound, -noadc, -nodac, -nomidi) and -noprefs has no effect either.
I made another patch to loadbang a sound out of the pi in -nogui but that didn't work.
Strange that xterm works but pd doesn't - I have quite a minimal arch install so maybe some other X packages are needed for tcl/tk/wish, etc?