You could try [bonk~] to get beats (as messages) out of your audio signal. [bonk~] is quite sofisticated for your task, but I love it because its smart. You may need to tweak its parameters and/or filter its output ([speedlim] or similar) before you really get what you want.
In maxlib you may find several objects that cab be useful for these purposes, including tempo estimation IIRC.
Maurizio Umberto Puxeddu.
On Fri, 2002-11-29 at 01:55, arm pdlist wrote:
Sorry if this is a newbie question (or dumb) but i'm just starting to use pd, so... :)
In my search for a sensor to detect the heart rate, and after talking to a teacher of mine, he suggested that a very sensitive mic would something to consider as a source for the heart beats.
No comes que question. I have a small mic that i connected to my laptop. I can get the signal in PD. But how can i detect the bpm of a signal that is coming from adc~ object? I'm just touching on the mic to simulate the heart beat, but would be possible to detect some kind of bpm of the signal? If so, what do i have to do? Can you give some links where i can get some more info on what i should do?
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