Here's my summary of the proposals mentioned here:
I agree that $0 is totally arbitrary and is not inherintly bound to
object boxes. I think this strongest proposed fix is to introduce $$
which works in both object and message boxes, its a nice parallel to
Bourne Shell syntax. On that note, I think this should also come with
Bourne Shell's $# for count of argument and $@ for a list of all
arguments. I think $$, $#, and $@ should work in both message and
object boxes. So:
Now, all we need is someone to code it :) I am certainly willing to
try such a patch in the Pd-extended test builds. And if it is proven
to work without causing problems, then it could be included in final
release, and hopefully work its way into Pd-vanilla as well.
I guess the place to start is someone putting together a proposal wiki
page so we can document all the details. Here's the place for it:
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to
realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either
change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams