forgot to ask: when do you think you might add delay and readsf~ to the
libpd objects?
would it make sense for you to open up a pd-ext.js file, where non-vanilla
objects are coded?
Hi João,
On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 03:35:18PM +0200, João Pais wrote:
Is it possible just to download this version of ff4?
For sure. Go here: and click on "Get Firefox" (4
is the recently released stable version).Are you planning on putting the contents of your workshop on libpd online? Or to do an online workshop, where people all around can listen to you?
I am not sure what the recording arrangements will be, but if either NYC
or LA are recorded I am sure it will be put online.However this is a type of interactive workshop where I hope to help
people out on their actual laptops and devices rather than lecturing at them, so it
might not be 100% suitable for video.By the way, for anyone interested the New York session still has places available in two Saturdays time. You can sign up here:
If you are in LA, the session is: Friday April 29, 7pm -> 11pm CRASHspace (10526 Venice Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232)
Maybe I can get to Berlin somehow soonish?
By the way, libpd is due to a massive effort by Peter Brinkmann and also
Peter Kirn, Hans-Christoph Steiner, Martin Roth, and that includes really
excellent documentation:,