I agree. If you think about it, a mouse and a keyboard are two versions of the same thing; a mouse works in two dimensions and has a vocabulary of two or three words, whereas a keyboard works in 0 dimensions with a vocabulary of 100+ words. Any keyboard-based interface will have a higher learning curve, but, I think, possibility for more fluency. The mouse is easy to learn but limiting for advanced users.
It seems like it wouldn't be hard to create either an external or even an abstraction that could do this, though. Provided you are working with a saved version of your patch, the patch file could be read for object positions, and mouse messages sent to draw connections. The hardest part would be determining exact positioning of inlets and outlets according to the number of them and the size of the box, both of which are usually variable...
On 10/29/06, Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org wrote:
How about this for a keyboard shortcut for making connections:
- select an object
- type outlet number of that object
- type inlet number for object to be connected to
- select object to be connected to
- Pd makes the connection
This could be enhanced by allowing keyboard selection of objects, something like alt-tabbing between selected objects.
Access to computers should be unlimited and total. - the hacker ethic
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