Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
- if hexloader is buggy/incomplete what will it take to fix it?
mostly somebody who is willing to do the work. i have written and rewritten it several times, and frankly i don't care about it that much. i don't use it ever (since i use zexy.l_i386 rather than single-object externals). the problem with abstraction loading is to my knowledge non-fixable without touching Pd-code.
- if you agree with me that in the interim pd-extended is effectively
broken what can be done to circumvent this problem to make it usable until hexloader is fixed?
I guess I owe everyone an apology. I've recompiled the external and now it for some reason works (perhaps I had a stale one lying around from a previous 0.41.4 version running against 0.42.5? If so, how could this have such an effect?)
i stale version of what? [>~] or hexloader?
if it was hexloader, than the reason might be, that 0.42.5 has an almost-public API for loaders, whereas older version don't. if [hexloader] finds 0.42.5 at compile time, it will use this API, hence the workingness,
Object still work ok, but is load_object: Symbol not found error something to worry about? Is this perhaps because zexy has been compiled potentially against a wrong version?
no; it's a verbose message of hexloader, which tries several setup-routines (e.g. <name>_setup() and setup_<name>() and <setup_mangledname>() and whatelse), and informs you if it failed.
i guess the message should show up only in verbose mode.
Finally, how could I recompile it by hand to produce individual objects rather than a single library?
hexloader is only a single object. zexy can be configured with "--disable-library" to built as individual objects.
fgsadr IOhannes