Hallo, Marko Timlin hat gesagt: // Marko Timlin wrote:
Hi Ben, hi pd-list I just studied Ben's [susloop~] object and I have one questions. How is it possible to change the start and stop position of a soundfile in loop mode without getting audible audio clicks. How can you do that?
I'm just developing my own soundfile-player and I have the problem that whenever I change the start and/or stop position in real-time I get a short audible audio click whenever [tabread4~] "jumps" to the new position. In my patch [phasor~] is multiplied with the amount of samples the soundfile has and reads like that through the soundfile using [tabread4~].
One popular approach is to use [samphold~] to only set the new limits whenever the phasor~ jumps anyway. The samplers in 3.audio.examples and Miller's book contain lots of examples of this approach.