On Sunday, Oct 19, 2003, at 18:02 America/New_York, __|||a||kdg wrote:
.hc, anyone out there who has pidip working in oS X?
I don't think anyone's done it yet, but its probably not too hard for
many of the objects.
... after trying many times to apt-get install through the terminal -with
no success- no matter i had modified fink's config to use unstable pkgs also, i still couldn't see
many libs that were supposed to be installed:dpkg -l 'gsl*' No packages found matching gsl*.
Pd was quiting when lossing to load them:
dyld: /usr/local/bin/pd can't open library: /sw/lib/libgsl.0.dylib (No
such file or directory, errno = 2) pd_gui: pd process exited ... i quit the terminal and went to fink commander, there i searched for
the gsl..it was not installed but appear after checking the use
unstable at fink tab in its preferences:this was not possible to achive through the terminal where for the
apt-get install always report:[KDaG:/Users/nmp] k.o# sudo apt-get install glut glut-shlibs
gsl-shlibs libpng-shlibs libpng3libpng3-shlibs libquicktime0-shlibs
libmpeg libmpeg-shlibs ffmpeg Reading Package Lists... Done Building Dependency Tree... Done E: Couldn't find package gsl-shlibsA TYPO IN MY LINES FOR SURE, BUT ANYWAY, THROUGH FINK COMMANDER I GOT
ALL THE PACKAGES EXCEPT FOR FFMPEG..[few hours downloading and compiling]
X11 and its SDK where also part of the stuff needed, withouth them
many libs for running pd wont install.
This has been discussed a number of times, its in the archives.
Basically, you don't want glut or glut-shlibs since its part of MacOS X
now and yes, you need Apple's X. The gsl packages are in fink cvs
("sudo fink selfupdate-cvs"), and like X11 are only needed for PDP.
p.s:R, create the .pdrc file with cat in your ~home directory:
/Users/youraccount/.pdrc# cat > .pdrc -lib Gem -lib iemlib1 -lib pdp -lib xsample -lib zexy
press ^D (Control-D).
that way pd will launch GEM + other libs/
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