hi olaf,
sorry, im not that deep in pd, but because i have ported over some max and pd objects to jmax, i can tell you from crashes similar to yours .... for example, in the fftease object buffers/vectors also accessd like :
for ( j = D; j > 0; j-- )
*++out = output[j] * mult;
such things often crashed .... i replaced it with the "usual" way to access arrays . when there was something "counting" in the wrong direction, i used a helper variable, k .....
k = 0;
for ( j = D; j > 0; j-- ) {
out[k] = output[j] * mult;
and voila, nothing crashed anymore ...... i banged my head to the wall finding out whats happened (too few bytes malloc'd ?? some bad pointer math ??) until i simply tried this way and it helped .... maybe it helps you as well, at least i would give it a try. btw, this way you always have a simple variable that shows you the actual position to read/write. so a simple post() will show it to you, whereas you never can tell at which position *++out actually is .... and simply reading one byte more where none is can crash seriously ....
hope it helps, tell me please ....
Am Sonntag, 25. November 2001 18:26 schrieb Olaf Matthes:
Hi all,
this is an attempt to find someone who might have a look at the code of my first (currently non-working) external! It's called shoutcast~ and for Win only (maybe portable to Linux...)... It is intended to encode incoming audio to mp3 (using LAME) and send it to a SHOUTcast or IceCast server (IceCast untested right now). But there are to problems I can't solve:
- pd crashes when I try to read data from an internal buffer - I think
I'm just overlooking something, but after working on this for quite a while I'm somehow blind...
- my mp3 stream is silent. Encoding works well but on the way from the
inlets to the buffer that gets sent to the encoder something seems to be missing / not working. It's the same buffer that sometimes crashes pd!
It would be very nice if someone could have a look at my cources.... There was a discussion on this list concerning mp3 streaming with win. Maybe my external could make life easier: if we can get it to work!
The sources and additional information how things work and what goes wrong can be downloaded at: http://www.akustische-kunst.de/puredata/shoutcast~.zip (157k)
Many thanks!