so i figure the first step is to look at the crash logs to see what part of PD or possibly a external, makes it crash. thanks to advice from others, esp Lucas, regarding ASIO, i'm getting better low-latency response from the audio at least, but overall it's still barely alpha stable in a performance setting. any advice appreciated!
i just experienced a similar crash-scenario like scott did.
it happens when i send lots of OSC data (from MAX in that case) too fast to PD with the vanilla [netreceive] object as receiver. "too fast" means that i dumped a huge list of camera formats (~ 50 symbols) all at once to OSC.
there's no crash when i use IEMNET's [udpreceive] instead !
tested on PD 0.48 - 0.50 on a Windows 7 / 64bit system