hey everyone,
I was playing with the pix_opencv_hu_compare because I figure that it's the best way to track and detect a picture in a card. But then I got the error message:
[pix_opencv_threshold]: pix_opencv_threshold : yuv format not supported error: [pix_opencv_hu_compare] : no method to combine (YUV) and (RGBA)
do you know why is it?
Thanks a lot :)
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Adityo Pratomo quietdidit@gmail.com wrote:
ola yves,
ookay, i'll try that, even though i did try to go back to pd-extended 0.41-4, and yeah your opencv works :) but i'll try your suggestion anyway :D
Anyway, i Was wondering, what is the best way to implement blob detection on pd? or if I want to detect and track an edge of an object from a camera, what is the best way to do it?
Thank you
On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 2:23 PM, ydegoyon@gmail.com ydegoyon@gmail.comwrote:
hum, get sure you've got something here: /Library/Frameworks/OpenCV.framework/Headers/
and that you installed the target pd-extended too in : /Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/include/
it should work then
saludos, sevy
Adityo Pratomo wrote:
hi there,
i was compiling puredata_opencv this morning for a school project. however, i got this error while trying to compile it:
configure: error: you need to install opencv library (libcv)
i already followed all the sequence of compiling it. I'm on a Mac, so I already put the opencv framework on /Library/Frameworks folder, and I already downloaded the pd 0.42.5 and Gem 0.92.3, because i'm using the latest pd-extended.
any suggestion why is this happening? Or should I just use the previous pd-extended so that I can use the available packages of puredata_opencv?
Thank you very much for any help :)
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