Hi Hans,
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Well, the horizontal resizing behaves weirdly too, adding a bunch of padding that is totally unnecessary, for example.
Yes, I fixed it already (with a separate pack for the listbox and the scrollbar). However on my computer, if I manually resize the window horizontally, the window does not automaticaly fit to the number of listboxes anymore. That makes sense, since tk can't decide whever the width is for the window or for the number of columns currently displayed. Forcing the horizontal size back to the initial one could be frustrating too. Adding an horizontal scrollbar sucks (sounds like OSX Finder).
I think I can come up with an in-between solution, such as when horizontally resizing, decide each new panel will have the width of (window hsize / displayed listboxes).
I'm also working on this: # TODO enter and up/down/left/right arrow key bindings for nav
In the meantime, I submitted a very short patch that just unlocks the size.