Enrique Erne wrote:
nobody on osx 10.5.4 except me?
I just downloaded it and had no problems extracting. maybe your account is monitored and nsa swapped some bits during listening... marius.
still got 22GB left.. i just downloaded it again with a different browser.
is there a md5 thingy around?
Miller Puckette wrote:
That's wierd... the only situation I can think of that could cause that would be a full disk.
cheers Miller
On Tue, Jul 29, 2008 at 05:42:07AM -0400, Enrique Erne wrote:
pd-0.41-4.mac.tar.gz from http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/software.html
i get
Could not extract the file "Pd-0.41-4.app/Contents": Could not create the folder
this is on i386 osx 10.5.4 the file is 5.5MB
does anybody else have the same error?
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