Hallo, Frank Barknecht hat gesagt: // Frank Barknecht wrote:
Max Neupert hat gesagt: // Max Neupert wrote:
that does not open a file chooser but a patch wich contains [pd
PDDP_META] here. osx pd 0.39.2-extThat's a somehow known bug with how pd-extendend and cyclone work together. I don't know if there is a fix for it yet.
Which reminds me: The abstraction you see is the cyclone "pddp-meta"-patch. These are always called just like the library, which suddenly to me doesn't seem like a good idea, because if you import that library it introduces an avoidable nameclash with the library itself, if or maybe with other objects.
Assume I made a library to deal with textfile-managing and I wanted to call it "textfile". Then the metafile would be "textfile.pd" but it would nameclash with the [textfile] builtin.
I believe, the meta-file should have a different name composed of the library name and an additional post- or prefix, like "cyclone-PDDP.pd", or live in a "meta" subdirectory or something like that. Comments?
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__