Max Neupert wrote:
servus roman, list,
i wanted to demonstrate netpd today here in melbourne and failed. on a intel mac os x 10.5: with a fresh pd-extended 0.4xx and downloaded i can open _chat.pd. then when i click on creator additionally a blank patch pops up called "pd cr.singletons" the console spills out:
netclient ... couldn't create error: inlet: expected '' but got 'connect' ... you might be able to track this down from the Find menu. error: pd-cr.singletons: no such object
hi max
which exact version have u tried?
have u removed the ~Library/Preferences/org.puredata.pd.plist before you run the newest pd-extended?
this versions have been working more or less: on intel osx 10.5 Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080222 Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080504 Pd-0.40.3-extended-20080516 Pd-extended (20080523) some problem with <~ and a new one with matrix (only working as iemmatrix/matrix).
now i tried pd-netpd-osx.tar.gz from and it worked surprisingly well. <~, matrix, t3_del all creates fine.. i suggest to try this one too.
cheers eni