On 07/30/2013 07:48 AM, yvan volochine wrote:
On 30/07/13 08:41, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
Ok, I figured out how to do this
and how do you do?
In GNU/Linux on some _distros_ you can check the symlink /proc/self/exe
If you do a readink from within C in Pd you'll get the absolute path and name of the executable.
However, if you use the command "readlink" to [shell] I imagine the readlink binary will look in the mirror and give you its own name back.
I don't think /proc/self/exe is a requirement of all Linux flavors, and I don't know what the BSD OSes do, or OSX. So I'm reluctant to add this to [pdinfo].
Windows has its own function accessible from C to return the full path and name of the executable.