On Oct 24, 2005, at 12:24 AM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Lots of good fixes, thanks Jamie. I'll be incorporating them into
the main build system soon. Some comments:
- When I use the Help->Browser menu, it seems to be copying a ton
of files each time I use the menu. I know that Miller introduced
this hack for Mac OS X with 0.39, but it seems to have gone wild
with pd++.
...yeh, that's REEEEAAAALLY irritating, but I haven't looked into it
beyond what it does...hard to say if it's what miller did or some
change in tcl/tk 8.4.10, but it definitely needs to be fixed...plus,
I think "browser" under "html" is a little vague, and should be named
something like "patches" or "patch browser"...
- It runs for me on 10.3.9, including Gem, but I can't get the new
Gem window behavior to work. For me, its still the old-style, Cmd- click to move and never gain focus.
...weird, because it definitely works here: maybe this is something
lost by not using 10.4.x?
- can you post how you compiled pdp/pidip somewhere? Ideally, I
think we'd import a stable version of pdp into the CVS (currently,
it seems to be pdp 0.12.2) so this could become part of the
standard build system.
...sure, this'll happen after I get my deadline passed :-\ Mostly,
the trick was just to make a directory full of symbolic links to the
static libs installed to by fink, then go thru and add that to the
pdp and pidip makefile's...
more l8r, james