I've used the Icube with pd and have been having some trouble. Infusion systems should definitely make an icube editor standalone for OSX (the last one was a Max standalone but maybe they should move away from that since Max situation concerning OSX is not the best). Anyways the icube must be used in standalone mode and I also verified that I must send some other kind of midi data (like a note on from a keyboard or other device) in order to PD to start reading plain Midi messages sent from Icube. I don't know if this is a problem related to Icube itself or Midi with OSX. Another problem is that midi manager from Core Midi in OSX seems to reset every time I shutdown my computer having to go back to setup when I want to send any midi to pd (could also be related to my midi interface but not very probable). Any other experiences with MIDI on PD/OSX?
greetings Ivan
On Wednesday, Mar 26, 2003, at 14:35 Europe/Lisbon, j.c.w. wrote:
greetings all,
i wanted to know if anyone out there is using the iCubeX (http://www.infusionsystems.com/index.shtml) with pd (or any other software for that matter).
how well does it work? any real show-stoppers?
any input would be greatly appreciated!
thanks, j.c.w.
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