Hallo Volker (seit Szombatehly),
i guess that the most recent pd-extended version from http:// puredata.info/downloads is what i should tell them to use in order to get the most similar setup between max and pd, right? are there any special "max<-->pd libraries" i should look out for?
there's the cyclone library, which is a very good effort on making max
objects available on pd-Ext. besides that and the core objects, not too
much available, afaik.
careful with mistake number 1: in Pd all objects are made for floats.
almost only [i] is for ints.
very often i find myself sitting infront of a pretty trivial patching problem, but i just can't find the right objects names in pd. what could i try to find objects that perform a similar/same task as their max cousins, but obviously have a different name (e.g. split <--
is there some documentation about that?
I don't know if there's a page just for that (just searched
www.puredata.info and found nothing). there's lots of correspondence on
the list, if you want to sort it out - or anyone with a better mind can
tell you more details.
this might be useful for you: I've made better versions of the
documentation files (afaik, the more complete there are). One of them, the
0.Intro.txt file, you can get at http://puredata.info/Members/jmmmp. That
was done some years ago, before Pd-ext existed (but many externals already
I'm trying to do another one, with the latest version of pd-ext. It's
still incomplete, but you can see if it helps something. it's attached.
and another one: i was looking for an "uzi" object in pd. after a lot of trial and error i found "kalashnikov". ok, fine. after looking at kalashnikov help, i found that there *is* a "uzi" for pd - but i can't instanciate the object, if i haven't loaded kalashnikov at least once before. so: starting pd, new patcher, new object, uzi --> couln'd create but: starting pd, new patcher, new object, kalashnikov, new object, uzi -- does work. what might be causing this? (mac ppc, 10.4.11, pd extended 0.39.3)
simple: if you go to extra/ext13 (folder where this external is, check it
by opening the help file or doing a search on your disk), you see there's
no uzi.[whatever] file, but just kalashnikov.[???] [in windows, these
files are **.dll, don't know the endings in unix]. That means that to open
this object, you must do kalashnikov first; only after is the namespace
uzi in memory. You might see who did the ext13 externals and speak with
him, it's the best way to have it corrected.
i've tried pd-extended 0.40.3 form this site http://puredata.info/ downloads when i launch this, i get a lot of errors: cyclone: can't load library zexy: can't load library creb: can't load library cxc: can't load library ...
do i need to reset some preferences?
I can't advise on macs, but did you check the file->path menu? or mac guys
could say where these settings are kept.