Unless mtx_ conflicts with something else should they not be instanciated by mtx_* and not iemmatrix.mtx_*
I like these namespaces, but it does make using patches from non-installer machines a little irritating. (searching for broken objects and replacing with the namespace name...)
Maybe we need this [import] stuff sooner than later...
james tittle wrote:
On Jan 18, 2006, at 4:50 PM, B. Bogart wrote:
After a lot of Jamie's help I finally got a gem CVS version to work on my OSX machine. I ended up having to use RC7 to load the Gem binary for some reason, and I could not get my local copy to work (PD said it was loaded, but I could not create any Gem objects).
...good to hear!
Anyhow I have pix_multiblob working, and I was trying to use the help patch but it seems that the pd extended RC7 does not include mtx_* which is needed by the blobtracker help. :(
mtx_* ... couldn't create mtx_* ... couldn't create mtx_* ... couldn't create
Could this be added to the extended installer? Since I am unable to get a recent verson of Gem to load into PD using anything but RC7 (RC4 did not work). blech!
...actually, these are included in RC7, but they would have to be accessed as [iemmatrix/mtx_*]...I don't think this issue is really covered in the docs, certainly not in the RC* series, so this is a major documentation oversight, IMHO...
...the ReadMe.html also only lists a few of the included libs and versions, with no mention of how to access anything from, say zexy...