Did you install Xcode? You need more than the commandline tools, that's just git and a bunch of other things like it. The compiler and frameworks come with the Xcode app itself. You didn't find any info on Google because it's Mac and *everyone* installs the GUI app first (aka Xcode), so they'd already have it.
nstall that, then go to the Downloads tab in the preferences, and make sure the Commandline Tools is installed there. If not, install it. Then configure & make will work. I was actually working with portaudio for another project and it compiles fine for me.
For reference:
SDKs are installed to: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs
You can also see in Xcode in the project build settings: click on project in project tree, select Build Settings tab, there should be an entry for the SDK with a dropdown box
On Jun 26, 2013, at 5:59 PM, pd-list-request@iem.at wrote:
From: Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com Subject: [PD] compiling pd vanilla on a mac Date: June 26, 2013 5:47:58 PM EDT To: pd-list pd-list@iem.at Reply-To: Jonathan Wilkes jancsika@yahoo.com
Hi, Any clues about this ./configure error: configure: error: Couldn't find 10.5, 10.6, or 10.7 SDK configure: error: ./configure failed for portaudio
I have no clue how to check what SDK version I have installed (Google returns nothing useful)
For reference: After agreeing to some stupid license agreement that I didn't read I downloaded the stupid "Command Line Tools (OSX Lion) for Xcode - 2013" which claims to include the the "Mac OSX SDK Frameworks and headers" (which I had to type out because their stupid webpage doesn't allow you to copy/paste the stupid text).
Thanks, Jonathan
Dan Wilcox @danomatika danomatika.com robotcowboy.com