Le 2011-10-21 à 19:05:00, Daniel Embleton a écrit :
OK i've done as Mathieu suggested and used the '-maxsize' to increase the capacity of the array to 1e+009. I have no idea what this means but the patch works so i'm not too bothered for now. Thanks for all the replies gentlemen.
1e+9 (with or without any zeroes after the +) means 1 multiplied 9 times by 10. that's 1*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10*10 = 1000000000, which is what traditionally the americans call a «billion», the brits call a «thousand million» and the french call a «milliard», and the scientists call a «giga»... or a 1e+9.
You can't put much bigger numbers in there because of the overflow. In 32-bit mode, maxsize has a maximum value a bit above 2.1e+9, but [soundfiler] does not check directly for this condition... it's an unreported bug.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC