Sooooo I am fighting the fight of trying to unify the look of my helpfiles across the 3 oses… and I think I got a bug but I cannot trace where it is.
To get the latest version I had to compile on Ubuntu (the apt is stalled at 0.50). It works but when I load the attached file in Ubuntu 18, I get
corrupted size vs. prev_size Pd: signal 6 watchdog: signaling pd...
(multiple times until I force quit)
and when I load the exact same patch in the same binary on Ubuntu 20 I get:
malloc(): invalide next size (unsorted) Pd: signal 6 watchdog: signaling pd...
(multiple times until I force quit)
I am trying to identify what I do wrong but any hint welcome before I do a bug report that is so vague it is useless…
The said file renders fine in Windows and MacOS.
(Ps any pointer on how to unify looks between OSes welcome - I found some online, mostly moaning about fonts :)