On 2012-02-15 01:11, John Harrison wrote:
How many people would chose to use ubuntu Oneiric, use a pre-built binary for Pd-extended, AND not have X? I would hope that small group would reconsider using Oneiric for something a bit more streamlined and would likely be compiling their own minimalist Pd --- certainly not Pd-extended.
i think that's not the point. according to _debian_ policy (and ubuntu is a debian derivative) [1], there is a clear definition of what should "Depend" and what should only "Recommend". and "Recommends" is for "packages that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations".
the package manager should install "recommended" packages unless explicitely told so otherwise (e.g. the user _requested_ to use "--no-install-recommends"). i no of no package manager that _defaults_ to "--no-install-recommends". if you have found one and it is the default in oneiric, than i think you found a bug in the package manager, so you should report a bug for that rather than pd-extended.
fgmasdr IOhannes
[1] http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html