As all my data are numbers, [tabread] should work fine. Although in this case, I do not know how to know the number of values in advance to resize the table prior to loading the data.
If you store the numbers one per line in the text file, then you have two options:
A) Load the file, then bang [textfile] in an [until] loop (until the end is reached) and resize the table at each bang by incrementing its size by one as you add one more number. Quite inefficient since I guess it may have to reallocate memory at each resize
B) Load the file, then do one first "scan" of [textfile] (banging it in an [until] loop) just to count the numbers, then resize the table to the number of counted elements, then start all over again to store the numbers into the table
If, on the other hand, you store all the number in one list in the text file, then you can load it, bang [textfile] only once, and use a [list length] to know the number of elements and resize the table accordingly, and then prepend a 0 to the list and send the whole list to the table to store the elements.
I think the latter solution should be a little (or significantly?) more efficient.